Monday, September 9, 2019

first leaded quilt top done

I spent a lot of the day Sunday (9/8) unpacking.  It took a long time to unpack my project box as I wanted to make the binding right then for the 3 quilt tops I finished at retreat.  I recently finished quilting one of my quilts…and when I went to look for binding fabric, I had used it all on something else….so I’m determined not to let that happen again.  

I got my bindings completed in the afternoon, and started another list  :~).  I’ve decided that I want to make something for myself, but before I do that, I’m going to clean up some things…..some piddle-y and some not, hence a new but short list.  I found out at retreat that my definition of a UFO closely matches Leila’s….once we have a quilt top done, it is no longer a UFO.  But if it gets quilted, then it is a UFO once again until it is labeled and bound.  Anyway, I want to complete the stuff I have started before starting a Sew It Together bag for me….hopefully by January.

I had one item left over from my last list:

-borders for my quilt with brown leading

And have added others:
-binding for first leaded quilt
-second leaded quilt currently on design wall
-binding for second leaded quilt
-QoV fpf started at retreat, all blocks done
-binding for QoV fpf
-snowball quilt
-binding for snowball quilt
-beds for animal shelter

Once I have finished all of these up, my studio will be looking pretty good and I can feel relaxed about starting a new project.  By dinnertime I had finished the borders on the first leaded quilt:  

Now I just have to make the binding :~).  I finished the layout of the second leaded quilt: 

before joining my honey around 8:30 for a but of snuggling and TV watching.

Random Thoughts…


Baking with Inez – 2019 is coming up quickly (mid-September).  We have 
a plethora of new recipes we will be trying.  If there are leftovers, and you are within driving distance of this blog and would like to be on the list of invitees to try the leftovers and give opinions on the recipes, please let me know ASAP and I will create a list. 

I read a book on retreat that I want to tell you about.  I really like Diane Chamberlain as an author, and her book THE DREAM DAUGHTER is OUTSTANDING!!!!  It has one teeny, tiny SYFY element, but for those of you who don’t do SYFY, if you can just accept that…the story is incredible.  I did NOT want to put the book down.

This quote really sums up the current resident in the While House: 
Trump has made a career of not acknowledging errors, going full steam ahead even when caught in an error or lie.
"I think apologizing's a great thing, but you have to be wrong," he said in a 2016 interview. "I will absolutely apologize, sometime in the hopefully distant future, if I'm ever wrong."
See the full article here (is this really who you want leading the country (and I use that word ‘leading’ very loosely) for an additional 4 years?):


  1. Wow, this paragraph is nice, my younger sister is analyzing these things, so I am going
    to inform her.

  2. Just picked up The Dream Daughter this afternoon from the Library.


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