Monday, September 23, 2019

Baking with Inez 2019 Tour Day 5

We decided to do a big fry-up Sunday morning (9/22).  Of course, Inez is totally familiar with fry-ups: 

improving her mind with a word game

waiting for breakfast with her faithful companion
having traveled often in England and Scotland….but we didn’t have any blood sausage, or baked beans or broiled to-mah-toes  :~).  She enjoyed ours anyway:  

looks almost like squash....but it's potatoes

After we cleaned up the kitchen, we started on our baking for today.  I say baking, but we never turned on the oven to make tiramisu….however we DID use every pot and pan and bowl I own (at least it seemed like it!!)  

cooking eggs/sugar to add to the mascarpone cream

layering soaked lady fingers

Once we got it into the fridge, (it needs to set up for at least 12 no pics until tomorrow) I headed to the studio to get a customer quilt basted: 

while Inez headed to the lanair to read her book.  

Pat stopped by for some treats and to see Inez: 

and we got to visit for a bit and hear all about her trip to Myrtle Beach….it certainly sounded like lots of fun.  

By the time I finished basting and setting up the program for the quilt it was after 2 PM and I decided to join everyone on the lanair.  We relaxed and talked for quite awhile before we all decided it was too hot to be out there…and came inside.  

I headed back to the studio to get the bobbins wound on the quilt before we left to meet Phil & Gale: 

at MAMA’s for dinner.  Inez wanted to take us out and I had a yummy calzone while Michael had eggplant parmesan.  

Michael made popcorn after we had been home for a bit and we all settled in to watch LARRY CROWNE….thanks Leila for recommending this movie….I got it from the library and it was delightful.

At one point during the day my mohair throw somehow ended up on the floor and of course a furry someone was all over that:

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