Friday, October 12, 2018

BG's egg/ham cups, quilt basted, furry babies, sweater for AJ

BG made terrific looking egg/ham cups on Thursday (10/11) and sent me a pic:  

I headed off to quilting in the wind and rain from Hurricane Michael, but only 5 people showed up  :~).  We sat and talked for a bit more than an hour and that was lovely, but finally decided to call it a day and head home.  I was kind of glad about that as it gave me a chance to get my newest customer quilt basted:  

After that I spent way too many hours on the internet, still looking for a pattern for the perfect kumihimo necklace!  And, my friend Joanne dropped off some books on kumihimo the other day, so I got to read through those as well.  Michael and I had sleeping company while we were working downstairs in the afternoon:

I worked for a bit on a label for Paula's quilt and sent a pic for her approval and finally I stitched out 4 rows on Jeanette's quilt before heading upstairs for a dinner of leftover pizza with my honey, and an evening of working on my current kumi necklace.  Here’s my first finished knitting UFO…..blocked, but not yet dry:

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