Wednesday, October 24, 2018

a boy & his dog, 2 QoV totally done, caramel sauce

It has been VERY cold these last few mornings (in the 40’s), and Tuesday morning (10/23) was no exception.  I thought you’d enjoy a picture of ‘a boy and his dog’ at breakfast:  

Just look at Cookie, burying her nose down inbetween Michael's legs to keep warm!

I started in on quilting again, and by lunchtime my 4th baby quilt was done:  

I left it on the frame because I wanted to concentrate on totally finishing the first QoV….so I got the ends woven in and the binding totally done and the label stitched down and by mid-afternoon, it was done:  

Michael made a TRADER JOES pot pie for dinner (ok, but not nearly as good as KFC) and when he called me to come up to eat, the second QoV was totally finished as well:  

Larry picked up Michael at 6 PM for their movie date, while I did a bit of tidying in my studio before Anne arrived for some quality stitching and talking time, although she brought along a wonderful surprise.   Anne is a self-described non-cooking, non-kitchen person, but she made up 2 caramel sauces to try.  

I think she was inspired by the blog entry I sent her entitled ’50 ways to eat salted caramel”.  I had 2 recipes and I sent them to her at her request.  One caramel we both thought was ‘meh’….but the second….the one on the right....was AWESOME!!!  I could just eat it with a spoon!  So, we had vanilla ice cream with caramel sauce, then settled in to solve the problems of the world for a couple of hours (knitting & bead weaving) until Michael got home.

By the way, Paula finished up her second breast cancer quilt and delivered it to her friend....who cried, but was THRILLED!

1 comment:

  1. If you read Sally’s blog on 50 ways to eat caramel- her 50th way - saving the best for last was — drum rollllll......
    With a Spoon! ^_^


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