Monday, July 11, 2011

We decided to go out to breakfast Sunday (7/10) morning and enjoyed THE BIG VIEW while reading the paper.  We got home around 10 and Michael took off for some golf practice and I headed to the sewing room to continue on my purse.  I also read my emails and Mary Jo was on at the same time….so she gave me a call and we had a nice long chat.  She is coming to visit at the end of Nov, and BG is coming in October, and I get to visit Ginny in 8 weeks….lots of good things to look forward to!

When Michael got home from golfing, I took another picture of him with his sunflower.  Remember this picture from a week ago??? 

Well…here’s the sunflower now!  It is SO just a week!!!!! 

it may finally be finished growing and may be forming a flower at the top…we hope to know in another week. 

I threw together a new pizza dough recipe and then we buzzed over to Susan C’s to meet her cat and pick up a key to her house.  She is going on vacation and asked us to watch the cat.  By the time we got home, I had a BIG mushroom cloud that was my pizza dough... totally over the top of the bowl!!!  I got it punched down and made 2 margarita-type pizzas (basil leaves, fresh tomatoes, mozzarella, cheddar and Parmesan cheese) and put them in the oven to rise.  Jan and Walt and Bob and Eileen

arrived at 6 PM and Michael fired up the grill.  The pizzas were AWESOME

…and we also had corn on the cob.  We played Mexican train for a bit, then Jan and Walt left for home since they are still recovering from their cruise, and we proceeded to teach Bob and Eileen how to play SCREWED.  We finally quit at 10 and said goodnight.  Michael and I straightened up for just a few minutes then headed off to bed.

1 comment:

  1. I love the weekly progress picture of the sunflower. You know now, of course, you'll have to keep us posted when it blooms!!


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