Thursday, February 12, 2015

Michael's birthday cake

WHAT a day on Wednesday (2/11).  My honey packed the car and made me breakfast so that I could head out before 9:30….and arrive home at 4 PM!  For those of you who really know me, you know that was a horrible day  :~).  I had a long arm class from 10 – 1….that was ok, I actually got 2 really worthwhile tips from the class and some additional free quilting designs so I was happy!  Then Diane (other customer who owns the same machine) and I went out for lunch to discuss all sorts of things…that was really excellent.  The only bad thing was, it was 2:30 when I started the rest of my errands.  I did a return at Michael’s (and they must have been giving stuff away because the line was out the wazoo) and then a return at Joann’s (same scenario with the line)….I couldn’t face WALMART at 3:30, so I skipped that and dropped off a birthday card for our chiropractor, hit our local grocery store, dropped off and picked up at the library and ran home.  I put out eggs and buttermilk to get warm and put my feet up for just a few minutes.  After the eggs/buttermilk had a chance to warm up, I hopped up and mixed the 2 layers of Michael’s birthday cake (dark chocolate) and got them in the oven.  I took a nap for 30 minutes, then hopped up to get them out when the timer went off.  By then it was dinnertime.  Michael had a bunch of shows he wanted to watch…so after dinner I headed back downstairs to work on my quilts, while he stayed upstairs to watch TV.  I also had my usual hour long SKYPE with Janice...and I managed to iron a bunch of my blocks while we were talking.  I came back upstairs at 8:30, intending to watch TV with my honey, but Jan called.  She had a very hectic and tiring and emotionally draining day ….spending the first 1/2 of the day in the emergency room with her hubby Walt, then spending the second 1/2 of the day in the emergency room with Mark (her son).  She was just exhausted and wanted to talk.  We talked for a bit, then she decided to make herself a bowl of ice cream and relax…that sounded good to me!  By this time I had a second wind, and decided to get the layers of Michael’s cake frosted (again...dark chocolate frosting), so that I didn’t have to worry about it on Thursday.  By 10 PM…voila…

note the ever interested third party...:-)

it was all set and we headed to bed.

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