I ran to the grocery store early Monday morning
(2/23) (and then over to Jeannie’s when I didn’t have any cream of mushroom
soup)and when I came home, Michael was still there….golfing was rained out :~(.
It’s been terrible weather for golfing for over a week…and this week’s
weather doesn’t look any better. He made
me an egg/cheese/bacon on toast for breakfast and it was DEE-licious! After breakfast I put together my chicken pot
pie crescent ring for lunch. I decided
that it wouldn’t have enough flavor with just the soup, so I sautéed some
onions/mushrooms/garlic, then threw in some sherry and 1/2 & 1/2 to perk it
up a bit…it smelled heavenly when I was putting it together. I popped it into the fridge,
and headed to
the studio to continue quilting the rainbow quilt. Connie & Iris arrived at 1 PM
and we had
a fabulous time talking and eating. I
made spinach/sugared pecan/craisen/feta
cheese salads
to go with our ‘pot pie’…and I think both of them were a
Michael liked it too...small compensation for not getting to golf |
I can see why Connie and Iris are
friends, they have both led very interesting lives and are a lot of fun to talk
to. Iris is putting together a
scrapbooking kind of project for me….so I asked them to come for lunch so that
we could discuss it. They loved all of
the quilts and drawings in our house…and Iris thought she could live in my
studio for a LONG time :~). Do you remember that Connie gave me a bag of
yarn she didn’t want…and I made a wool neck scarf for my neighbor? Well, actually I made 2 of them and I asked
Connie if she thought Iris would like the second one…..here she is:
After they left, I finished up the quilting
on the rainbow
quilt…my new favorite pattern….CURLY CUE….I LOVE IT!
I actually picked this because I thought this was what my friend Leila wanted on HER quilt, and I wanted to test it out....but she picked CURLY WAVE....so I'll just have to try another one :~).
After I was done quilting, I got it off of
the frame and trimmed and I started working on the binding and label. I worked until 8 PM (again!) and got a good
bit done, then headed upstairs to rip out stuff and watch TV with my
honey. Sometimes I have lots of backing
fabric on the sides and bottom of my quilt and there is too much to just throw
away…so I rip out the ‘overage’ stitches while I’m watching TV and reclaim
the fabric. Michael and I finally went
to bed around 11. It was a long, but
very productive day.