Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Lois's Breakfast Tea

Michael and I were both up early on Monday(4/7) to get everything done in time for the tea at 9:30 AM.  Lois (fellow knitter / quilter/machine embroidery person) is moving with her hubby to Denver to be nearer to 2 of her kids.  It didn’t seem like any of her close friends were having a party for her which included all of her friends….so I asked if she would like me to have a tea.  Normally my teas are from NOON until 2, but doing a breakfast tea worked better for Lois, so that is what we did.  One of the things I did in the living room was to move the 2 purple chairs out from the corners so that the people sitting in them would be near others, and of course, Elsie noticed something had changed, and had to check it out right away:

At 9:30 everyone started to arrive, unfortunately it was a rainy, cold, yucky day, but once inside with some hot coffee, everyone perked right up!  They all seemed to have a wonderful time, and several (many?) of the people attending had never been in my house before, and they went crazy over the quilts and Michael’s artwork.  It was nice to have a lot of new quilters to talk to!  Almost everyone also wanted to go downstairs to see the tumbling blocks on the design wall.
Sue & Ann Mary

Jackie, Lois (guest of honor), Jeanne, Cathy, June

Barbara a duex!

lots of good food

more good food

Barbara & Rose

Ginny & Beth

Donna, Betsy & Mary

Cathy, Beth & Jan

Lois & Suzi


I left at 12:05 for a consult with a new dentist.  I am having a tooth pulled on Thursday and I am SO dreading it.  Not dreading the aftermath….just the anticipation leading up to it.  I got home around 3 and just read for a bit (I was pooped after the tea), and finally headed downstairs to sew.  My honey made pierogi’s for dinner and we watched TV together until 9.  Then I read my book for an hour and collapsed into bed, while Michael watched the UCONN HUSKIE MEN play to victory in the NCAA finals.

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