Monday, April 7, 2014

2 layouts of blocks, Cookie

I rode my bike first thing Sunday morning (4/6) while Michael took Cookie for a walk.  When we got home, I asked what he was planning on having for breakfast and he said ‘the 1/2 of a waffle in the fridge’…well…that wasn’t happening, since I ate that for breakfast on Saturday (it was 6 days old and I was in my usual mode of cleaning up leftovers), so….I have a whole wheat waffle recipe that I can put together in literally 8 – 9 minutes, so I whipped that up and we had waffles for breakfast!  Michael cleaned up the kitchen after breakfast while I headed to the studio to slave over more blocks J.  Finally finished enough blocks to give Michael a choice of layout…here were his choices….if you leave me a comment, I’ll let you know which one he picked J
choice #1

choice #2

He came down a bit later to work on his emails:

dad on computer, mom at sewing machine, all is right with the world

I worked until after ‘dinner’ (we just had popcorn for dinner….late lunch…neither of us hungry).  Before I settled down to watch TV with my honey around 9 PM, I put together a jam/cheese log, and weighed out the ingredients for a cinnamon coffee cake.  I am hosting a going away tea on Monday morning for someone who is moving to Denver….so I tried to get a lot done Sunday night so that I didn’t have to get up at 4 AM on Monday J.


  1. I like choice #1. The colors are already vibrant - I don't think you need to also mix up the orientation of the dark/light sections. But then again, I'm not really an artist (I just wanted to know which one you picked!). Hope you are well!

  2. Choice 1 has a softer look with the lines blending better. Choice 2 has more pizazz, the blocks pop more. If I was making this for relaxing with, I would pick #1.

  3. hmmm... Do you really want us to choose ? They both look the same to me ! ;) Or maybe I'm not awake yet to see any diff !

  4. ok, I see it now... choice 2.... but not sure it's enough of a diff to matter...


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