Saturday, April 19, 2014

Friday (4/19) dawned a bit warmer (46 degrees) and I was up and out of the house by 8:30 AM to pick up Jan and head to Joann’s.  We actually hit Joann’s, two TARGETs, and the liquor store and were finally home by 12:45.  Connie was waiting for me and we checked out her gauge for a new sweater and went over the pattern a little bit.  After that I headed to the studio to continue working on my blocks.  I’m kind of excited because it seems the end is finally in sight…I am working on the last set of blocks for my quilt top and will soon be able to start sewing it together.  I got backing for both quilts at Joann’s, so will also be looking forward to layering and quilting them (well, maybe not looking forward to exactly, since I LOVE piecing and only tolerate quilting J).  I’m hoping they are small enough that I can quilt them and not drive myself crazy….we’ll see.  Michael and I watched TV in the evening and I continued knitting on the latest baby sweater.

1 comment:

  1. Piecing is the bomb - quilting...not so much... Nice job on the his and hers quilts !


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