Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Stitch & Chat window

OMgoodness…..when I signed on to make my blog entry Tuesday morning (1/21) I had SIX comments!!!!!!!  I was so excited….that really made my day!  You know, I sit down here at my computer and and some days feel like I am toiling in obscurity, writing and writing, never knowing who’s really reading or if they think about what I have written….I LOVE getting comments, it totally motivates me to keep writing, so THANK YOU!!!!!

Michael had leftover waffles and I had leftover pancakes for breakfast on Tuesday before heading off…Michael to BJ’s and me back to knitting!  Joanne picked me up at 1 PM for Stitch and Chat where I just had to take a bunch of pictures.  There are windows in the lake House that the various clubs decorate every other month.  My friend Paula and another friend Lynne were responsible for the window this month, and it is hysterical.  We all decided to do a UFO (unfinished objects) window…and that would be funny enough.  But Paula wrote little sayings with each object and they are truly a hoot.  I couldn’t get good pictures of all of them…but hope you enjoy the ones I did (try to make them bigger if you can't read the signs):

When I got home, I put together a new biscuit recipe.  I’ve had this recipe for at least 5 years, and when I decided I wanted to make bread to go with the soup for dinner, I went looking for a new recipe in my files.  I re-found the biscuit recipe and viola…it took minutes to put together and cut out and pop into the freezer.  I’ve been looking for some kind of bread that can go directly from freezer to oven, and this fit the bill.  Unfortunately, I patted them out TOO thick, and some were gooey in the middle….yuck!  Enter my friend Joanne’s husband Larry.  I gave him a call to ask for some pieces of wood so that I could roll out a consistent thickness and determine an appropriate baking time.  I swear….10 minutes later, Joanne & Larry show up at our front door with exactly what I need J.  I can’t wait to make the biscuits again and check it out.  Michael and I spent the rest of the night watching TV separately….and I continued knitting while I watched.

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