Sunday, January 26, 2014

Elsie & Cookie a trois, in front of the fire, shower caps, bread & pies,

Even though it was 10 degrees warmer when we got up on Saturday (1/25) the wind was blowing something fierce and it just never felt warm in the house.  There was a lot of snuggling-for-warmth going on:
Elsie says 'I'm cold....can I come and snuggle'?

ok....I'm goin' in....

We had a visit from Matt at 10 AM.  Matt is our computer repair guy…he’s young (21) and a more self-possessed, great-head-on-his-shoulders, hard-working young person we have yet to meet!  On a personal level, it is always nice to see him and find out what new things are going on with his life.  The ITUNES program on Michael’s computer was totally locked up and my computer was running very slowly…it took Matt less than an hour to fix both and then off he went.  Michael and I read for a bit in the early afternoon with the fire going, and Cookie & Elsie really enjoyed that:
Finally at 2 PM I got my butt in gear…here are pictures of some shower caps in action (since several of you asked what I do with them):
a cover for my bread as it rises

pie dough, ready to go back into the fridge to chill

along with the finished results:

sandwich bread that I also served with my soup

2 'berry' (cherry, strawberry, blackberry & blueberry) pies

I also made Chicken & Corn Chowder soup and our 5 guests showed up at 6 PM with crawfish salad and sausage bread.  We ate everything and left for Fort Mill Community Playhouse for their membership kick-off party.  I won a door prize of 2 tix to the dinner theatre, and Michael had the winning bids for one of the silent auction items and one of the live auction items.  We read for a bit when we got home before falling into bed.

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