Saturday, January 18, 2014

Here it is Saturday morning (1/18) and I’m trying to remember what I did this week???  I know Stitch & Chat was Tuesday, we spent 1/2 the day on Wednesday with Jimmy & Sally and I had quilting on Thursday.  The rest of the time was spent eating (mostly Campbell’s chicken noodle soup, which is what I always want when I have a cold), drinking (mostly hot beverages, which is all I want when I have a cold) and not being merry L.  Luckily I felt better Friday morning and went with Jan to get her car serviced.  Both of us were knitting in the waiting area and got into a lively discussion with the other 3 ladies and one man about knitting, cooking, ricers, and my brownie/peanut butter recipe.  After the garage we stopped at Joann’s (I got 7 zippers with 7 coupons), the beauty supply place (SCORE! 30 shower caps with nice elastic for $2.98), the Viking dealership (to drop off some sugared pecans to thank Norm for doing me a favor), Walmart (Jan got groceries, I got a new iron!), the liquor store (Jan needed rum to make one of her famous rum cakes….yum!) and finally home at 1 PM.  I watched another Miss Marple and knit while Michael took the dog for a walk, and then took a nap.  I had a nice visit with Susan (my neighbor) before dinner and TV and knitting for the rest of the evening.

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