Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Saturday and Sunday (12/15&16) went by in a blur.  I got dipped oreos done, and also made dough for peanut butter cookies and Jan’s Crispy Cookies, and made up 2 runs of homemade Bailey’s.  I made a vat of Potato Soup and we enjoyed that along with artisan bread with Gale and Phil on Saturday night.  I spent several hours on Sunday at Jan’s house, moving her sewing room (Michael was there to help with that), and then helping her to get rid of, or file, bunches and bunches of papers.  We had puffy things for dinner on Sunday and watched our first Christmas movie…ELF.

Monday (12/17) seemed like a really busy day.  Michael left for errands in the morning, while I headed to my volunteer meeting. I got home by 12:30 and immediately started baking cookies.  I baked all of Jan’s Crispy cookies and most of the peanut butter cookies.  Also made up and baked a bunch of chocolate cookies.  Michael packed up 2 goodie boxes to send out put them in the car.  I quickly put together some cheese and crackers around 6 and Michael put together a basket for Tim (our caller) and we headed off to our square dancing Christmas party.  There was a ton of good food and lots of laughing and dancing.  We came home tired and just vegged and watched TV for an hour before bed.

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