It felt like we hadn’t been out to breakfast in ages, so we hit
IHOP early on Sunday (12/23) morning.
When we came home, we fired up the fireplace and read the rest of the
paper, then I headed downstairs to sew all afternoon…it was heavenly (just
working on the flannel baby blanket)!
Michael came downstairs for a bit to start another set of paintings,
while Elsie and Cookie snoozed away on the sofa. We had leftover Chinese yet again for dinner,
and watched another of our Christmas movies…this time it was the first movie in
the LORD OF THE RINGS trilogy.
So…have I told you about my celery? Do you know that you can get additional
stalks of celery from just one that you buy at the grocery store? I cut off the bottom 1 – ½ inches of the
stalk, and let it sit in barely warm water, on a saucer for a day (or maybe it
was 2 or 3 J). I finally planted it,
covering it with an inch of dirt. For a
long time it wasn’t doing anything, but now I have a very healthy crop of
leaves. I try to put it in the sun on
sunny days, then move it back to a corner of the porch during the night, since
we are now getting freezing temperatures at night. I hope to plant it in deeper soil in February
or March…but here’s how it looks right now (and there’s a second on I planted 2
days ago, right in the middle of the planter):

I’ll keep you posted on how they are coming along.
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