Monday, August 6, 2012

new rope totes

When I got up Sunday morning (8/5), my hands definitely knew that I had cut out all of the strips, for 2 rope totes, in one day…they were aching, so I took an Aleve and Michael and I took our usual Sunday morning bike ride, picking up a few boxes of crackers at the grocery store before heading home.  We saw Paul and Nancy by the store and we both agreed that we haven’t seen each other in AGES, so we are going to meet for breakfast next Sunday!

After a quick breakfast, I headed to the studio for about an hour of paperwork, while Michael made crab salad, which we’ll have for dinner.  I got back to working on the second rope tote around NOON.  And by 4 PM….TA DA:

I am glad to have them done!!  You know that I love to do these, but the bad news is...almost no one is making 100% cotton rope anymore.  If you are making smaller items, you can use the rope with poly/synthetic stuff in it....but it is not sturday enough for my bags.  I used to be able to buy the rope for $3 - $4, but now, the only stuff I can find is ELEVEN BUCKS!!!  I'm going to go up on my basket price by $5, but I think I'm going to have to get making them out of my system....I just don't make enough $$ on them for) the amount of time they take (as you retreat people well know  J.)

I spent the rest of the day weaving on 2 scarves that have been on my loom for MONTHS!  I’m hoping to work on them a bit each evening to get them done in a week or 2.  Then I want to warp up with the new yarn I bought in February, and my friends brought to me at retreat in March.

1 comment:

  1. OMG!! Those colors are GORGEOUS!! What did the fabric look like before cutting into strips? I love how the colors mix in the tote.


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