Sunday, October 13, 2019

quilting started, new iron

Michael left before 8 AM on Saturday (10/12) for his first golf outing since the heart cath a week ago Tuesday!!  After I got my emails, blog and breakfast out of the way, I headed to the studio to begin basting the first leaded quilt:  

I set up the pattern, wound my bobbins and by NOON I had started stitching out:  

my newest favorite - diagonal plaid

I paused after the first stitchout to SKYPE with BG for quite awhile…it was wonderful except for the fact that her picture was pixilated the entire time!  Oh well….at least we got to talk without having to hold a phone up to our ears the whole time  :~).  We were testing out backgrounds for our dragonflies:  

don't they look like fish?

that's what we're working on when she comes here next FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My honey got home from golf around 2 PM….with an 84!!!  Not bad after not golfing for almost 2 weeks!  

We both settled in downstairs for a bit, until Anne came over for a visit…that was really nice as we haven’t seen each other for quite awhile.  By the time she left it was just after 5 PM and Michael decided to have mac ‘n’ cheese for dinner, while I worked just a bit more on the quilt.  I was 1/2 way through quilting it by the time I shut down for the night.  I don't think I mentioned that I got a new iron last week:

I absolutely loved the previous iron I had, but I CANNOT be trusted without an automatic it had to go....donated to Scrap Happy.

I made a yummy salad for myself for dinner:  

We relaxed by watching a 3-parter of MAJOR CRIMES…we still LOVE that show.

*** MMR - Michael's Movie Reviews ***

JUDY - stars Renee Zelweigger as Judy Garland. She does a superb job capturing Judy’s singing style and desperation during the turbulent year this movie covers. At the end of her career she was living with not much money or many friends. As the movie opens we see her trying to hold on to her two kids after a divorce from Sid Luft. She is singing in small time venues for very little money. Using flashbacks, the story also gives glimpses of her early career doing those movies with Mickey Rooney at MGM. NOT a happy time. She was forced not to eat and was given pills instead. This was a habit that was still present until her final days. She struggled alone, remember this was 50 years ago, and support systems were not around and drinking and drug use was stigmatized. It’s a tough story to watch but very well done. I give it 4 fat quarters out of 5. 

1 comment:

  1. I thought your dragonflies came as a "kit" with the background provided? Is BG bringing hers to work on next week?


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