Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Fiber Nutz, longtime UFO is done!

Michael and I had breakfast together (a rare weekday occurrence) on Tuesday (10/15) before he left for errands: chiro, ALDI’s, WALMART and I headed to the studio to continue quilting and ironing (it is taking a long time to press open the seams on the snowball quilt).  Finally it was done and when Michael got home we got it up on the wall:  

I LOVE it!  My UFO list is moving right along.   I didn’t get my quilting totally done on the second leading quilt before it was time to leave for my weaving group meeting at Rosalie’s.  The weather was so gorgeous that we sat out on her back patio…it was LOVELY.  There were 6 of us: 



Pam & Melanie

our hostess - Rosalie

and Rosalie set out some snacks to keep us going:  

I took a 2 year old knitting UFO (I told you, my quilting UFO’s are really almost always under control, but my knitting ones are a different story entirely!!) along with the directions.  I have struggled and struggled with how to sew this thing together….but with the help of the Fiber Nutz, it was finally done!!!   That was the good news…the bad news is, as Kathy modeled it so that I could take pictures: 

I realized how truly horrible it would make me look!  Not flattering to my shape AT ALL.  But, back to the good news, Pam loved the colors and the style and the mohair and everything about it….so she went home with it  :~).  She is going to a wedding this weekend and is thrilled to wear it with her outfit…and I am so happy to finally have it done and out of my house!  

We had a couple of other visitors on the back patio, visiting the azaleas and keeping us company:  

this bee was HUGE

I got home after 4 PM and Michael and I had a quick dinner before he left for the movies at 6:30 PM.  I headed back to the studio to kick off quilting again and got the quilt totally done:  

I also got my binding done for my FPF patriotic quilt….I am smashing through that UFO list :~):  

-borders for my quilt with brown leading     DONE!  
-binding for first leaded quilt (8 strips)  DONE!  
-second leaded quilt currently on design wall       DONE!  
-borders for second leaded quilt  started     DONE!  
-binding for second leaded quilt (8 strips)       DONE!  
-QoV fpf started at retreat, all blocks done        DONE!  
-borders for QoV fpf            DONE!  
-binding for QoV fpf     DONE! 
-snowball quilt                DONE!  
-borders for snowball quilt  
-binding for snowball quilt  
-beds for animal shelter  
-binding and label for purple quilt DONE!  
-keep up with any customer quilts that come in DONE!!! 

I headed upstairs after that to watch TV and start a gauge swatch for AJ’s sweater.

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