Sunday, March 17, 2019

kitties, label, Janice quilt & table runner

I spent a lot of time Saturday morning (3/16) writing up the blog for the QUAP Retreat, and a lot of time after that unpacking my project box.  I finished up 5 quilt tops on the retreat, but 3 of them still need borders.  I headed into the guest room with the 2 completely finished tops (since that's where I store them), and of course Lucy & Ethel immediately ran in to investigate.  They spent most of the afternoon in there, lying on a stack of quilts and staring out at the birds (you have NO IDEA how hard it is to shoot black kitties against a bright window and get anything decent!!!):  

I got my last 2 quilts off of Miss Scarlett and got them all cleaned up and ready to be labeled and bound:

before Anne came over for a nice long visit in the late afternoon.  When she left, my honey made ravioli & meatballs with a salad for dinner.  

BG and I SKYPE’d for a bit after dinner and then I got a label done: 

before heading upstairs to snuggle with my honey and watch TV.

Remember this quilt top, finished by Janice at the Fiber Floozie Retreat last year:

Well, she took her leftover bits and bobs and recently finished a table runner for her church auction:

I think it's beautiful!

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