Thursday, March 21, 2019

breakfast, Kristin and quilt #2

Wednesday morning (3/20) my honey was up early for a tournament here at SCCL, while I hopped up, got laundry in and headed downstairs.  I worked on my desk a bit before SYKYPE-ing with Janice.  When we were finished at 10:30, I made myself a smurfy grilled ham/cheese/relish sandwich for breakfast: 

then headed back to my desk.  When I called our accountant to see if I needed to make an appointment for drop-off, she told me they were open M-W-F from 8:30 – 3.  That really lit a fire under me and I made it to the office for drop-off just in time  :~).  Whew….that is certainly a load off of my mind.  

My honey got home from his tournament shortly after I did…they finished just one stroke out of the money, but he said he golfed with a nice group of guys and had a good time.  We talked for a bit before I headed downstairs to continue the clean-up.  Michael came down and helped me to move my desk a bit and make a more sturdy top.  He didn’t want any dinner (they had a lunch after the tournament), so I just had ritz/peanut butter crackers for dinner.  Good thing I’m not seeing the doctor on Thursday since one of the questions they now seem to be asking is “what did you have for dinner last night”.  Last time Michael went, the true answer he gave was “champagne and puffy things”!  I spent the rest of the evening ripping out my binding stitches, thank goodness it was all complete before bed.

Kristine is going great guns on Miss Scarlett….she has already loaded up her second quilt and is stitching away.

I am so proud of her!!


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  2. WOW just what I was searching for. Came here by searching for


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