Sunday, October 22, 2017

Tuscan loaded up, Paula's quilt top, Time Travel keeps traveling

Michael left just after 8 AM for golf here at SCCL Saturday morning (10/21), while I headed to my studio, determined to get labels and loading done :~).  I fired up my embroidery machine with scrap fabric and odd colored thread once I got the label set up exactly as I wanted….and it finally stitched out like a champ (it should after I spent 60 bucks on stabilizer that I will only use on these labels!!!)  Then I loaded up 5 (FIVE!!!) more labels (one at a time) 

with the same thread but in the blue color I wanted…and watched my machine screw up EVERY one…always in a different place  :~(.  This has gone beyond totally frustrating….it is almost sucking the joy out of making these Valor quilts in the first place….almost.  

Paula stopped by just after 9 AM to show me her second quilt:  

and to buy more fabric for the borders and binding (she will use the center of her squares for that...don't you love her layout of her log cabin blocks?)  I spent the rest of the day getting the Tuscan quilt loaded up and basted and starting the quilting, 

and also dropped back to working on Time Travel.  

Doesn't it look like a big vortex where you are spiraling down into the center?  Crazy!  I just have to finish 4 red blocks, and then 4 orange blocks for all 4 corners and all of the 96 blocks will be done...YAY!

I was just too frustrated to try yet another label, so I just stopped on that for the day.  We had a lot of deli ham left over from the roll-ups I did on Monday, so Michael made us grilled ham/cheese sandwiches for dinner and we relaxed in the evening, watching TV before bed.

1 comment:

  1. Vortex is the perfect description! How cool!


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