Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Sandy D's first quilt done

Michael left just after 8 AM on Monday (10/2) for golfing at Redbridge, while I ran around like crazy trying to get things done before leaving at 10 AM.  Remember the lifestyle committee I have been on…low these past 6 months?  Well, we presented our findings to the HOA (home owners association) board this morning.  I usually have a big cup of tea in the morning and then eat breakfast around 10:30 or 11…but I didn’t know how long the meeting would take, so I wanted to get breakfast in early.  Plus, I needed to get our dinner in the crockpot before I left….ribs in sauce….yum!!  I was home by 12:30 (after a quick stop at the library where thankfully I found the book-I-had-returned-but-they-missed-checking-it-in right on the shelf).  I read my book for an hour or so (Pieces of the Heart by Karen White, a lovely recommendation from Ginny) and finally headed downstairs.  Sandy D’s quilt came off of the frame and got cleaned up (bobbin ends in and basting ripped out) and trimmed, ready to be picked up.  

After that I started to load Sandy D’s second quilt (yes….4 Sandy’s in a row….2 from Sandy F and 2 from Sandy D).  Michael came home in the late afternoon with a score of 85 with 2 birdies, so he was happy.  We had dinner, then Michael took off for a read-through of his play (yes, he got the part he wanted in ‘4 weddings and an Elvis’ at the Pineville Theatre.  That play will come up in February.  He is also playing ‘Scrooge’ in Rock Hill in December, so it’s going to be a very busy couple of months for him’.)  Sandy came by to pick up her quilt and discuss what should happen on the second one.  I continued to read until 10:30 when my honey finally got home and we headed for bed.

1 comment:

  1. You are ON FIRE with getting these quilts done ! Great job and great quilting. I love the quilt too ! MJ in CT


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