Thursday, October 26, 2017

Paper Pinwheel done!, wildlife in backyard

My honey was up at 6 AM and out by 8 AM for golfing at Ballentyne on Wednesday (10/25); I followed shortly afterwards as I just couldn’t sleep and I have a lot of quilting projects exploding in my studio, so I headed down to get a jump on those.  I wrote back to Mary Jo about something and proceeded to list everything that’s currently making me crazy: 2 valor quilts that just need binding now that I have the labels done (actually one is now done except for stitching down label), and one to go: 

Tuscan just finished quilting, needs label and binding, paper pinwheel needs binding

(stitching out label right now), 

Vortex is 1/2 way through sewing into rows, 

I have a top started from retreat that needs sewing into rows and another top from retreat that I think I need 8 more strips to complete the blocks!!!!  My sewing room is a’s making me crazy!!!  So, I got the label stitched out and added onto my binding (turns out it wasn’t long enough) and got the binding put on one side of the paper pinwheel quilt before SKYPE-ing with Janice at 9 AM.  SKYPE never worked, but we talked on the phone until almost 10:30.  After that I spent a bit of time looking for retreat places for 2018 (our current place is being sold and will be unavailable for rent in 2018) and after that I HAD to have something to eat.  I was done just before NOON and headed over to Pat’s for an embroidery project.  I volunteered to make a pillow for the current Fort Mill Community Playhouse production, but my embroidery hoops aren’t large enough for what they need, so Pat graciously stepped in and volunteered to stitch it out.  We talked for over an an hour (Pat was unexpectedly home...she was supposed to be in Myrtle Beach with 3 other ladies, golfing and shopping.  But she woke up with severe tooth pain Monday monring.  She was hoping it was just an infection that would be taken care of with antibiotics, but it turned into an ugly root canal and the side of her face is still sore!!).  I stopped at Jan’s on the way home from Pat's and spent over an hour talking to her.  She is feeling slightly better,  but they discovered her heart is not pumping as strongly as it should, so they put her on some new medication.  By the time I got home it was after 3 PM and after talking with my honey for a bit (he shot an 87 with a birdie), I finally headed back to my studio to continue working on binding for the paper pinwheel quilt.  By 7:30 PM, it was finally done (except for stitching down the label which I will do at quilting tomorrow!)  

You know the most exciting thing about this paper pinwheel quilt?  It is the 200th quilt I have stitched out on Miss Scarlett....WHOO HOO!!!

While I was stitching in the early evening, I suddenly saw a doe and a fawn coming to nibble on our pretty much defunct garden….but couldn’t really get any good pictures before they ran off:  

I started to work on the second Valor binding, but didn’t get quite finished before heading upstairs to snuggle with my honey in front of the boob tube.

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