Thursday, May 25, 2017

patriotic #1 totally done!, Charlie's labels

I had my usual SKYPE session with Janice on Wednesday morning (5/24), then headed back to my projects.  There were thunder storms on and off all day, and I don’t like to have my long arm working during that (since our house has already been nearly hit with lightening several years ago, which blew out a couple of our appliances), so I just worked on one of the patriotic quilts.  It took me quite a bit of time to weave in all of the ends…then I made binding and by dinnertime the quilt was totally done: 

my stitched down label on the back

After a quick dinner I headed back to the studio to cut and make binding for the second patriotic and I got it sewn on 2 sides of the quilt 

before I collapsed into bed at 11 PM.  After the story Michael heard on his golfing retreat and shared with me, I am HOT to get more patriotic quilts done.  Once the storms move out of the area (hopefully today) I can finish the rainbow and load up 2 more patriotic to be quilted.

I got am email from my brother-in-law (Charlie) that he had received mail from me, so my secret project can be revealed.  He goes to a meeting (I think once a month) and they all need name tags, so I made 2 and sent them off earlier this week:

I'm so glad he liked them  :~).

1 comment:

  1. I really like the new name tags you have embroidered for yourself and Charlie.


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