Sunday, October 14, 2012

the fuzzy kids again!!!

Friday morning (10/12) I had a doctor’s appointment and Jan went with me.  After that, we had lunch at a very nice café downtown and then hit The Container Store.  I remember the first time I went to one on a  business trip in Dallas Texas….OMgosh….it was FABULOUS!!!  Jan bought a few things while I just walked around and drooled.  When we got home, my fabulous honey had already vacuumed the house, so I just had to do a quick dusting and clean the guest bathroom.    While we were showering and getting ready for our guests, another miracle occurred: 


 Up in the bedroom….on their throw on the couch….Michael saw it first and I snuck downstairs to get the camera…maybe it’s the start of a new trend.

I finally got back to the kitchen and got 3 dozen cookies baked before our 15 guests arrived at 5:30 (well actually, 2 of our guests arrived 1/2 an hour early, but for once, I was already showered and dressed and just baking cookies….that would so normally NOT be the case  J).  We had a wonderful pot luck meal (Michael left just as the guests started arriving) and desserts before heading off to opening night of THE SENATOR WORE PANTYHOSE.  Michel was wonderful as a gangster (several people came up to me to say ‘how does he do all of those different accents….he is amazing’).  It was a very funny play; I would urge anyone who gets a chance, to see it.  We stopped for small ice creams on the way home and collapsed once we got there.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the furry kid pics!! Maybe all it took was for Cookie to mature a little so Elsie felt she was getting the respect she deserved...


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