Monday, October 8, 2012

peach/pink/green purses, pine cone snowflakes

We got to laze in a bit Sunday (10/7) morning and had a nice breakfast while reading the paper.  I made a quick trip to Joann’s/BB&B/Khol’s and was successful at 2 out of the 3 places.  Once home, it was back to the studio….but it was worth it as I finished another 5 purses:

and 7 new snowflakes:

Michael left for rehearsal at 3:30 and I sped over to Jan’s to measure her basement, and all of her furniture.  She is considering moving her sewing room downstairs, and since Janice and I had such great success with making a graph paper drawing with graph paper furniture, I am going to do that for Jan.  Michael was home around 8:30 and we watched TV and knit the rest of the evening.

1 comment:

  1. Ok. I think these snowflakes may be my new favorites!


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