Sunday, October 28, 2012

beginning of new wall hanging

Michael left for golf on Saturday (10/27), coming home in the afternoon with 3 birdies and an 82!  I spent the day in the studio, continuing to work on the wall hanging.  Here’s what I have to show for it:

Not much…right?  Looks like some kind of weird face.  We’re not sure what colors we are adding in next; we have to audition fabric to see what we like.  At 4 PM, with my hair still in rollers and me not dressed, I realize I have no knitting to take to the symphony….a disaster  J.  I still have all of the yarn I originally bought for my entrelac sweater (which didn’t work out at all).  I couldn’t return it, so I decided I would do charity sweaters with it.  So, I proceed to hit the internet looking for a pattern.  Then I get the bright idea to call Marilyn (she does tons of charity knitting)….she’s playing cards and can’t think of anything in the 2 nano-seconds I give her to think, so it’s back to the internet.  Then my brain wakes up, I call Susan (across the street neighbor) and say ‘about 2 years ago you had a kid’s sweater pattern, from Guideposts I think, knit up front, cast on for sleeves, boat neck, then down back…do you remember this?’  She says ‘you have a really good memory”…I think to self ‘only when it comes to knitting  J  She has pattern, I run to get, wind yarn (Michael says ‘we are leaving in 15 minutes, what are you doing’?  But then he just shakes head because he has lived with me long enough to know that without knitting…I get cranky (a thing to be avoided!!!)  I throw yarn, full set of needles, scissors into knitting bag…do hair, get dressed, do make-up and we are out the door at 5 to pick up Jan and Walt.  We head into Charlotte, have a lovely dinner, attend the symphony and are home by 11:30.  I only got a gauge done, and the first row cast on before the lights went down, but it is better than nothing!

1 comment:

  1. You are never cranky.....Is that the PC thing to say?

    I Luv U



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