Saturday, May 2, 2020

retreat day #2, 3 totally finished quilts

I got up early to take a bike ride Friday morning (5/1), but I was hoping for 60 degrees and it was only 50 degrees….so I scuttled that plan!  

Michael left for golf before 8 AM and I played a few games of SUDOKU before heading to the chiro.  When I got home, Paula came down for the second day of our weekly retreat:  

Cookie joined us for most of the day, but it was so cold in the house, she curled up tight in her bed:

Paula cracked the WHIP the entire time she was here, and by the time she left (around 3 PM) I had finished the binding on 3 more quilts:  

a Beds=Dreams quilt

another B=D quilt

probably a Prayers & Squares quilt

I want to make this perfectly clear….left to my own devices; there is NO WAY that those 3 quilts would be done!!!!  She is such a sweetheart, she took them home to hand stitch down the labels for me.  

I was so exhausted I headed out to the lanair for a nap, and Michael joined me  :~).  I got a little bit of energy back and at 6 PM I headed to the studio to cut a piece of batting for another quilt I want to get loaded.  I'm as surprised as you are that I also got the quilt itself loaded and basted (I did this quilt mostly at the QUAP retreat this year, but couldn't finish it there as I missed cutting ONE 3 inch strip of orange):  

I finally staggered upstairs at 8 PM and collapsed with my honey.

Mary Jo has been going through her pictures at home and sent a few:

a quilt that Sue and I made as a gift for Mary Jo's first house.  It used to match her sofa...
she said she's been sleeping under it lately

from a visit several years ago....don't those cupcaks look yummy??

a great picture of Jan when we were all buying $5 baticks!

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