Wednesday, May 27, 2020

customer quilt finished

Current Corona Virus Deaths in the US - 100,825 

                                             Yesterday - 99,878

After declining, today is a spike, probably as states start to open up....Florida is a hot spot again.                    


I headed out early Tuesday (5/26) for my bike ride, but had trouble seeing on the way home as it started ‘spitting’ and my glasses were covered!  Luckily I was pretty close to home by the time it started….so once I was home I took my KINDLE out to the lanair to dry off and read my emails.  Michael headed out to the putting green to practice some things from his lesson yesterday.  When I hit the studio I spent a long time with spray starch and a hair dryer, trying to get my customer’s borders to go from this:  

to this (suggestions from my FB group of langarmmers):  

It’s not perfect, but I do think it is better.  The right side was not as full as the left, so it definitely looks better.  There are 4 borders on this quilt and the outside one is 6 inches….trust me…it is WAY easier to quilt out a border that is a bit too small than it is to quilt a border that got bigger than the quilt with each round.  We still have people at Scrap Happy who refuse to believe there is any problem with the way they attach their borders….but I think it’s because they don’t quilt their larger quilts with borders themselves.  Loree has certainly seen some DOOZIES in her time quilting….she had one quilt several years ago that had 3 borders on it….she ended up shortening the outside border by 3 full inches (after the quilter ripped it off and Loree re-applied as it couldn’t possibly have been quilted without looking terrible, and/or taking tucks across the border)!!!  

Anyway, by dinnertime it was all stitched down with no puckers…..YAY!!!  

I just have to do the 2 pillow shams and it will be done.  Michael went out to a driveway dinner with 5 other guys (you know, they each brought their own dinners and drinks and spaced themselves out 6 feel apart on the driveway) after he got done with his haircut.  I just had some cheese and crackers for dinner and read my book.

Planting a dogwood tree in the front yard:


  1. What a cool lady you are - so clever! I am so lucky to have you --- LOVE!!!

  2. About the Covid-19 numbers. I’ve been keeping a spreadsheet of numbers for:
    - the villages
    - each of the 3 counties were the villages resides
    - MA
    - PA
    - FL
    - CO
    - World
    I have the population of each, #covid cases, number of deaths, % of population that has/had Covid, and % of those with Covid who have died. I update the info daily, but only retain the latest info. The states have about 1,000 new cases a day. The # of deaths seem mostly to be going down. However I have noticed the # of cases or deaths sometimes go up a noticeable amount and I’m left wondering if that is because some of the testing places, or hospitals, or mortuaries, ( whoever counts the events), sometimes don’t submit their numbers daily and then finally submit several days worth, bumping the numbers up a lot all at once.


  3. Looks like a miracle worker to me !!! Great job.
    There should be a surcharge when that happens....


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