Tuesday, April 23, 2019

first 'quilt' on new machine done!, 2 quilts from Kristen

Monday morning (4/22), the day of reckoning….where we see if our intrepid heroine can figure out how to tell her machine that she has already completed a number of rows on the new longarm, and that the new stitching is row 5 and where to start it!  

I had some successes and some failures.  I got 4 more rows stitched out, but forgot to link them.  That means that my machine sewed one row and stopped until I hit continue on the screen…not any different than my old machine.  When I hit the next set of 3 – 4 rows, I remembered to link them together, meaning that all 3 – 4 rows stitched out, one after the other with no intervention from me…..COOL!!!!  The failures mostly centered around my thread break sensor.  It kept stopping my machine every 45 seconds, to tell me the thread was broken….when it wasn’t  :~(.  I finally called the help line and they walked me through turning the whole thing off for the time being.  

I continued quilting until dinnertime and by then…voila:  



First quilt done…..it will be turned into beds for the animal shelter….I am PSYCHED!!!  I got myself out of several problems (problems caused by my lack of knowledge), so I feel pretty good about that.

I headed over to Kristen’s just after 6 PM and didn’t get home until 9.  I think she just wanted a little moral support as she loaded up her very first customer quilt.  I’ll probably head back later this week as she starts her stitch out.  She has completed 2 more quilts on Miss Scarlett....really, she's just whizzing through them:

Michael and I had a bit of ice cream and watched a couple of shows before heading to bed.

I thought you might like to see my new machine in action (so to speak) so I took a movie of it...remember, the movie won't come through on the email, you'll have to go to the actual blog/website to see it (http://foodandfiberfloozie.blogspot.com/):

1 comment:

  1. To my sister longarm quilter... Just viewed your video on your new machine. Love it!!! Happy stitching my friend. With Love and Stitches. Kay


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