Thursday, September 21, 2017

vote on 1/2 square triangle layout, Cooper & Jan, paper pinwheels together

I was spending a perfectly lovely time on the lanair Wednesday morning (9/20), snuggled under a quilt with Cookie snuggled up with me when at 6:32 AM the hounds started baying  :~(.  We have relatively new neighbors, who seem like very nice people, but none of us wants to hear their dogs every morning in the very early hours.  They let them out in their fenced in back yard and just let them bark.  I remember having a dog growing up…Taffy was allowed to lie out on our front porch, or in the front yard, but the minute she started barking my father would send one of us out to quiet her down, or bring her inside.  Apparently our neighbors do not have the same sensibilities ~sigh~.  At least I don’t live right next door.  

Anyway, I decided to head into the kitchen to help my honey with his lunch.  We are trying a few new things with our eating habits and as this is the first day I thought we should talk over what might work.  After that I headed downstairs while Michael got picked up at 8:15 to go golfing at Lancaster.  I spent a bit of time in the morning arranging my rainbow 1/2 square triangles.  I pulled out my SPECTACULAR SCRAPS book and kept trying different layouts…please give me your opinion on which one you like best:  

this is "Q"

this is "R"

this is "S"

After that I had my usual Wednesday morning SKYPE session with Janice  (you know…we’ve been doing this for years and years and years and it is just wonderful.  We always solve all of the problems of the world and get to share everything we’re doing.  We used to just have phone calls, but now that we SKYPE we get to show each other our projects too!)  Sandy F showed up after that to discuss a quilt and I finally got to make some breakfast at 11 AM.  Jan stopped by with Cooper when I was part way done, and we sat out on the lanair and talked for a bit.  

Shortly after she left, Candyce stopped by to discuss the final details on the quilt she is giving to her honey for Christmas, and I finally got back to working around 1 PM.  I started to loadn the backing on Sandy’s quilt and discovered that the quilt top was much larger than the backing.  Luckily when I called her, Sandy discovered that she had given me the wrong quilt top (she is doing 4 Christmas quilts, all using the same backing) and later in the afternoon she ran over with the correct one.  This is why I never believe the measurements that clients give me…it is easy to make a mistake so I always re-measure the backing and top as I am loading the quilt.  I got the background strips cut for the new quilt top:  

so at least I have one project ready for retreat.  I spent the late afternoon and most of the evening sewing together the rows for my pinwheel quilt…I think I still need borders, but at least the center is together:


  1. All the block arrangements look fun, all classics so you cannot go wrong whichever you choose. Those dogs are adorable.

  2. I prefer Q for your half square triangles.

  3. Voting: in order of preference Q S R
    And I love, love, love the new pinwheels top all together.


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