Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Cooking Fingers meeting, June & June!, Paula

Michael left before 8 AM on Monday (9/25) to go to a place called Waterford…he said they haven’t been there in at least 5 years because they all hated it.  But, they decided to give it another try to see if they still hate it….weird!  I got a few things accomplished in the morning before heading up to the Lake House with my 80 rolls.  Joan and I made them into ham salad sandwiches (mostly that was Joan…I just sliced the buns), then settled into listen.  There's lots of behine-the-scenes work that goes on before  Cooking Finger's meetings:

Did I tell you about Cooking Fingers this month?  My friend Ginny sent me a book a year or 2 ago entitled “Being Dead Is No Excuse: The Official Southern Ladies Guide to Hosting the Perfect Funeral”.  I read the book, then thought Paula (as an official southern lady) would also enjoy it.  She decided that it would make a wonderful program for Cooking Fingers (our cooking club of which she is the president).  So, she asked a number of people to make recipes from the book for our meeting this month.  

She asked people to dress in their funeral attire and she read portions of the book during the meeting…it was a HOOT!  

Another of the author’s books talks about weddings, and Paula may do something with that book next year.

I’m not really sewing much now….I always have some down time after I’ve finished a quilt top (the paper pinwheels top) while I try to figure out what to do next.  I found 2 cool patterns in my Pinterest perusal a couple of days ago, but am having a hard time figuring out how many strips to cut to get the size quilt I want.  Both of these patterns were on YOUTUBE, so I’m not even starting with written directions to begin with.  I was hoping to pull supplies together for these 2 new patterns to make on retreat, but I’m not sure that’s going to happen.  While I’m putzing around with that, I’m trying to get some customer quilts done.  That’s what I was supposed to be doing when I got home from Cooking Fingers, but instead I had a LO_O_O_ONG and wonderful phone chat with Jan, then June and her brother David visited to dig up some of my yellow iris and also to dig up an extra sage plant I had:  

Then I read for an hour before Michael came home.  We talked for a bit (they decided the course is much better now…but the cart paths were horribly torn up and bumpy), then Sandy F came over to pick up her quilt, then June swung by to get a bit more advice from Michael about her newest picture piecing project: 

and Paula swung by to get a bit of yardage for her borders for the first quilt she is whipping through!

Finally just before 6 PM, June and I left for the Lake House and Diane’s memorial.  There were hundreds of people there….a very nice testament to the person Diane was.  It is still a shock…not something people will get over any time soon.  Michael and I spent an hour or so reading on the lanair when I got home.

1 comment:

  1. I have that book, and it is hilarious for anyone raised in the south! So sorry for your loss.


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