Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Miss Scarlett is taken away :~(

This thing with the eclipse glasses has us in a tizzy.  What good did it do us to order our viewing glasses months early, only to get an email from AMAZON telling us that they can’t confirm they are any good only a WEEK before the eclipse?!!??!  Now it’s like trying to score illegal drugs and the supply is running out!!!  I spent most of yesterday afternoon calling a dozen places that are all out of glasses, or not even answering their phones because they have too many messages and no glasses.  Well – it wasn’t like I could sew anyway since some of my under-table drawers were all up on my sewing tables as I tried to treat a stain on my carpet:  

Anyway, Michael was up at 6:15 AM on Tuesday morning (8/15) to drive to one of our eye doctor’s offices (of course not the local one  :~) to try to score some glasses that were supposedly coming in.  He called me at 7:45 AM…..they opened the office early and he SCORED (even though there were already 15 people in line ahead of him)!!!!!  Four pairs of glasses for the 4 of us who are driving to try to get to 100% totality, and 1 pair for Jan who will be coming over a couple of times during the day to let Cookie out!!  My long arm repair person showed up just after 10 AM 

and at 1 PM he finally started calling people because he couldn’t figure out why my upper thread kept getting caught on the hook assembly.  Whoever he called gave him a couple of things to try, but at 2:35 he finally left….and took Miss Scarlett with him :~(.  I spent all of that time trying to help him (at his request) so no sewing for me!

What a mess!!  I crammed down some lunch, changed my clothes and headed off to my lifestyle meeting, which took a little over 2 hours.  I came home to a note from Michael…the oven repair guy didn’t come because he discovered that he didn’t have the right part and that it would have to be ordered.  When will he be back?  Of course…Thursday morning between 9 and 12.  So….at this point it looks like no quilting for me (either at home –OR- on Thursday).  I was so bummed that I called Janice and whined for a bit…she calmed me down and I was feeling better after the call.  Michael came home from his pre-tournament dinner and we talked for just a bit before I headed to my studio.  I hadn’t sewn for 2 days and was grateful to get in almost 2 hours of sewing time.  Tuscan is all sewn into rows, but while I was pressing each row and I found a mistake in my sewing for one row.  I headed upstairs to watch TV and I got it all ripped out….ready to hit the ground running on Wednesday  :~).


  1. Oh, what a day!! Great that you have a piecing project to keep you busy. With the oven out, sounds like reservations for dinner, LOL!!

  2. You are going to fall flat on your face!!


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