Friday, July 14, 2017

SHQ show & tell

We were both up early on Thursday (7/13) with lots to do.  Michael was picked up at 7:45 for golfing with his regular Thursday group, and I ran around like a crazy person, picking up the house while my honey was loading the car for quilting.  Quilting was great…Jeanne taught a class on a beautiful pin cushion/trash holder and there was lots of great show and tell:  

this is the front of the quilt I just finished quilting for Mary Ann

and the back...

and Susie, with another incredible hand pieced, hand appliqued and hand quilted wall hanging

and this is the BACK!!!!!!

Chris with 2 table runners

and a table cloth

this will be added to our prayers & squares be given out to people fighting health battles

Sandy's convergence...I love those middle flying geese

Jerry with a beautiful crocheted afghan with x-stitch roses

June displaying her free motion quilting on Linda's quilt

I love the fabric on the back

I made a short stop at the library on the way to my hair appointment, and got home shortly after my honey.  Michael came home around 3:30 from Edgewater with an 82 (which according to him was a miracle because he had 4 penalty strokes along with 7’s on 2 holes….but he did have 1 birdie which always makes him happy).  I got the backing and batting of Mary Ann’ second quilt just floated on my long arm frame in the late afternoon…and just had a hot dog for dinner.  Michael wanted to watch the movie I picked up from the library, so he made popcorn and settled in, while I ate mine and pretty much vegged downstairs  :~).

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