Saturday, July 22, 2017

cinnamon star bread, Inez, George & Pat

Inez and I were in the kitchen until 1 PM on Friday (7/21).  First we had breakfast, then the Cinnamon Star bread was finally ready to bake (and eat of course:~)...I had made the dough Thursday night before bed, 

then I made a chocolate cake for dessert (this got glazed with chocolate ganache just before our guests arrived):

and finally we just sat there talking and talking and talking!! 

obviously Cookie loves our newest guest

Michael headed out to run a bunch of errands and got home just after we headed to the studio.  When we finally went downstairs, I got a couple more rows of quilting done while Inez decided to work with her watercolor pens:  

At 3 PM we headed to the Lake House for more water walking, then we all had leftovers for dinner and Pat & George arrived at 7 PM for Tripoli and dessert. 

BTW - My friend Ginny (from Virginia) had weighed in on the room naming and she thinks we have a “Florida Room”.

1 comment:

  1. We can't have a Florida room cuz we are in SOUTH CAROLINA!!!


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