Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Fiber Floozie Retreat

I’m backing up to last Wednesday (9/17) and the start of our Fiber Floozie adventure.  Michael left so early for golf that he discovered our golf cart head lights no longer work!  June packed our car so efficiently that I could still see out the back window….you would truly realize how much of a miracle that was if you could have seen what we took!  We swung by and picked up Jean and were on the road by 7:30 AM. 

We took a very circuitous route to I-77 to avoid the Charlotte traffic – and I’m still not convinced that was the right move.  We finally hit SEW MUCH FABRIC/BATIKS in Wytheville VA just before 11 AM. 

We shopped for a bit, stopped for a bite and headed off to cross VA.  By 4 PM we were at SCRAPPY APPLE and found a few goodies there.  Then we headed to Hagerstown MD for a BBQ dinner and our hotel.  We all collapsed around 9:30 PM.

We were too excited to sleep very long and were all up at 6 AM for showers and breakfast.  We hit GRADY HOUSE at 8:20 AM…..a little early for Nancy (the caretaker). 

But she arrived relatively quickly and we proceeded to arrange everything the way we liked, and got to sew a tiny bit before the CT Fiber Floozies arrived. 


Mary Jo

We sewed all day and night, BG made a great chicken casserole for dinner and I think we were all in bed by mid-night. 

Friday is traditionally our ‘eat breakfast out’ shopping day, so it was pancakes at PERKINS and a visit to the Sewin’ Place. 

We hit a liquor store on the way home….then it was back to sewing.  Friday night’s dinner was frozen soup, courtesy of Leila (who couldn’t make it this year…but sent food anyway  :~) and hot, homemade yeast rolls (I took the dry fixin’s in a zip lock bag and added oil/milk/water at the retreat….they were great!)

Saturday was sew-sew-sew, along with a quick trip to Dairy Queen for some, and to church for others.  I made chicken enchiladas for dinner on Saturday, along with a big salad.

Sunday was sewing all day, and BBQ pulled pork courtesy of Mary Jo for dinner in the evening.  Lots and lots of projects were started, and many were finished over the days we spent on retreat.

On Monday morning (9/22) 5 people packed up the cars as Janice made the traditional going home omelet, using up all of the eggs and a bunch of leftovers from the fridge.  We had breakfast, said our good-byes, took final pictures

and headed for home around 10:30 AM, going our separate ways.  Jean & June & I had a conference when we stopped around 1 for gas and we decided to buy munchies then and try to drive straight through, not stopping for dinner.  That turned out to be a good plan as we hit minimal traffic and were home just after 6 PM.  Michael went back to Fort Mill for a second day of try-outs for WAIT UNTIL DARK, and I sat like a lump on the couch, watching TV.  When he came home we both splurged with brownies, which turned out to be a total mistake on my part, as I saw 1:30 AM come and go while I was still awake….listening to my honey softly snore  :~). 

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