Friday, November 8, 2013

fat halves for Debra, baby sweater

I was up early on Thursday (11/7) to pull together the rest of my stuff to take to quilting (it seems I always look like a pack mule when I go….just call me Sherpa).  One of the things I took was a stack of 1/2 yard pieces of fabric for one of the newer ladies that doesn’t have any stash (how tragic!!)  Someone suggested we throw her a fabric shower, and little by little people have been bringing stuff in.  BG sent down several pieces from CT, so I finally got those folded and tied together and took them in for Debra:

Jan and I got everything ironed and cut out for 2 charity quilts that we are going to work on.  I got home around 1, and ended up taking a nap on the couch with my honey & Cookie!  Oh well, so much for lots to do J.  I finally got moving in the late afternoon and did errands at the bank, library and grocery store before heading home.  By then Michael was eating dinner and he took off at 5:30 for another performance.  I spent the evening sewing on shawls for a bit, and then working on the baby sweater, which I managed to finish before he got home:


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