Friday, July 19, 2013


Michael is back from Scotland, so you know what that means?  By the time I got home from my bike ride Thursday morning (7/18), I had flowers:

and flowers:

and flowers:

all through the house.  I packed up and left for quilting and had a wonderful time.  I didn’t get a lot of sewing done, but I certainly got a lot of laughing done….we just had a good group and there was a lot of laughing and talking going on.  I got home around 2 and unloaded the car, then picked up Jan and headed for the library.  What a small world…as we got there Loree (Thursday quilter/laugher/talker) was just going in with her honey Reg.  I picked up my books, and hit the bank and then dropped Jan off and headed for home.  Michael is still recovering from the trip to Scotland, so we took a short nap in the afternoon, then headed off to a charity dinner, being held to raise money for a local family.  In the evening, Michael worked a bit on his computer while we watched TV downstairs for a change!

 An Aside - So, our old camera died on Michael while he was in Scotland….he did a bunch of research and went out Wednesday to buy a new one.  Of course the new camera doesn’t work like the old one, and of course loading it onto the computer works differently and of course, editing the pictures (which I still haven’t even figured out how to do) is different.  The pictures in today’s blog were taken 3 different times…I still HATE learning new technology L.  Anyway, while Michael was upstairs taking the pictures yet again….he thought he’d take an additional picture of 2 of my favorite things just to make me smile (I'm very lucky he is so patient with me)...and it worked:




1 comment:

  1. Your new camera takes great pics!!!

    Michael MacDevo


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