Thursday, March 29, 2012

braided breakfast loaf, lasagna, alcohol inks

Michael left early for golf on Wednesday (3/28), but not too early to have the ‘jelly belly’ rolls fixed in a new way (which everyone who had some liked better than the smaller, swirled rolls):

With this being the 3rd day in a row of golfing I think he will be exhausted when he gets home!  I made a quick trip to the grocery store in the morning, and then put together 4 pans of lasagna when I got home (one for us, 2 for neighbors having a rough time and one for future needs): 

 Paula came over once the lasagna was done, and she made the dough for onion rolls.  We sat and talked for awhile, then she headed home for about 20 minutes.  By the time she got back, it was time to roll the dough into rolls.  She took home one pan and I will make the other for dinner tonight, to go with the lasagna.  I had a meeting with financial person at 2, and a square dancing meeting at 4.  Tim (our square dance caller) came over for dinner Wednesday night, then we both headed back to the pavilion for a dance in the evening.  Michael had rehearsal, so I just stayed to collect the money and then headed on home to relax a bit.

Someone mentioned that Michael's alcohol ink pictures were a little blurry, so he took new ones that look much better than the ones I took:

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