Monday, October 13, 2014

Michael and I headed out to a new place for breakfast on Sunday (10/12) and got home just after 10.  It was a drizzly and raw day, which I happily spent in the studio.  I had to wind a bunch of bobbins first, then stitch a straight line to position my quilt against, then baste the quilt left side and top, but finally I was ready to get started.  I used a design I got off of the internet and was VERY pleased with the stitch out.  It stitched much more slowly than the built in stitches, which meant that at the points in the design (where the design changes directions sharply), my bobbin thread was not pulled to the top.  I’ve decided that the best thing to be doing when Miss Scarlet is working…is to be ironing fabric or cutting strips.  I have to keep an eye on the ‘stitch out’ to check on bobbin thread or that nothing else is going wrong…and I have to be there to make sure the fabric doesn’t fold over on itself on the right and left sides (or at the top and bottom when I’m at those points)….I can’t be stitching on something else because I get too involved and miss things on Miss Scarlet…then they are that much harder to correct.  I’m getting VERY good at pattern correction/replacement when a bobbin runs out in the middle, or something else happens :~).  I was finished stitching around 4 and headed upstairs to make banana bread and soup for dinner.  Michael left at 5:30 for rehearsal and I continued to sew on a new quilt top until 9.  I was sitting on the couch for literally 5 minutes when Michael called to say he was on his way home.  We watched a bit of TV before heading to bed.

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