Thursday (11/7) was our veteran’s luncheon at Scrap Happy
We had over 20 guests (mostly
veterans, but a few wives attended as well), and everyone seemed to have a good
We had all of our QoV quilts laid out on 2 tables:
And we had decorated the room with our own quilts:
There was lots of food:
and after
lunch we had our presentation of quilts:
Fred Selapack |
Buddy Massengill |
Phillip Burt |
Bryce Moore |
Pete Battison |
Larry Hummel |
Dan Hines |
Tom Suggs |
Jim Northrup |
Elmer Winterfield |
Charles Shisler |
Jackie Bayne was our guest speaker….he was declared dead and in a body
bag TWICE during his service in Vietnam, and twice someone noticed movement in
the bag and got him out…what an incredible story.
Jackie (with his wife in blue, and Jerri Laney in red...a good friend) |
I was home at 2 PM so that Michael could take
the car to his second golf lesson. He is
really enjoying this new set of lessons…the guy has a totally different
approach and Michael thinks it is really helping his game.
The weather was beautiful and I spent the
rest of the afternoon sitting on the lanair, enjoying the day.
Paula picked me up close to dinnertime and we
headed to Loree’s house. I had left my
bread and butter behind at the church, and she was kind enough to pick it up
and take it on home. That gave Paula a
chance to see all of the beautiful quilts that Loree has in her home…we had a
nice but short visit before heading back to Sun City.
My honey got home from his golf dinner around
7 PM and we just vegged for the rest of the evening.
The veterans all look happy to be honored. Well worth all the time and effort!!!