My honey was up and out early on
Monday (2/25) desperate to get in a bit of golf, even though the course was
probably a lake!!! I got to sleep in and
it was heavenly (except for Cookie jumping in and out of the bed every 10
Eventually I made my way
downstairs and got the program set up and started quilting on the newest QoV:
I got to see the bluebird up close and personal when it discovered the bird feeder right at the edge of the patio:
I worked on my quilt until 3 PM and am almost 1/2 way
done with my rows.
My honey came home
from golf and said it was a real slog fest, but he was happy to be out there
anyway. I ran to the bank and to CVS,
then got cleaned up and headed out to pick up Pat for Martini Night. Andie was our hostess:
and she had a lovely spread
of appetizers:
along with Pink Cosmos:
But she stole my heart with dinner...Italian
Wedding Soup and home made rolls! Everyone enjoyed was all delicious!
Pat, Joyce, Jane, Andie |
Ellie, Bonnie, Barb, Alice |
played PICTIONARY after dinner (always a hoot) and Andi served a lemon cooler
for dessert and it was light, refreshing and heavenly.
I left early to come home and cut some cream colored strips and
pack. I'll be winging my way to CT at o'dark hundred tomorrow.
*** MMR – Michael’s Movie Reviews ***
Stan+Ollie with Seve Coogan and
John C Rielly – The comedy team of Laurel & Hardy were at their peak in
1937, but getting no respect or money from Hal Roach who owns the studio and
rights to their pictures. Trying to
negotiate was futile and Stan’s contract ended and he was ‘fired’, while Oliver
‘had to’ continue working as his contract was not up. Fast forward 16 years to 1953 and the duo is
teamed up again (across the pond) on a personal tour, supposedly to raise money
for their own movie. The rest of the
story is about their relationship, personal and business, and what it was like
to be in the twilight of their careers.
Superb make-up makes you believe John C Rielly is Oliver, and actions
and expressions turn Steve Coogan into Stan.
It’s a story well told with great acting and period costumes. If you like Laurel & Hardy, you will love
Stan+Ollie. I give it 4 fat quarters out
of 5.