Sunday, January 8, 2017

snow!, retreat hidden wells totally finished

So….I think the binding episode yesterday really affected me…I had a quilting nightmare!!!  I dreamt I was working on a quilt and it was all quilted and bound and I was looking at the binding and somehow I hadn’t caught the front of the quilt properly and you could see the batting…and as I looked further my seams were all coming apart and the fabric was shredding…it was a mess!!!  I guess Michael has his brand of nightmare (usually involving dead people and blood everywhere and being chased)…and now I guess I have mine  :~). 

We were supposed to have 6 – 8 inches of snow when we got up Saturday morning (1/7)….but the ground was still clear until suddenly, at 8 AM it started:  

I would say that we ultimately got 1/2 an inch.  My honey and I knew we couldn’t charge our engines with just coffee cake for breakfast…perfect looking though it is:

so he made smurfy potatoes and eggs, 

and we decided to have coffee cake for lunch :~).  Before diving in to weave in all of the ends on my binding, I decided to do something fun, and now all of the blocks for the snowball quilt are sewn together:  

I would love to put a cream border around it, but I don’t think I have enough of the cream I used for the “diamonds” in the quilt.  I’m going to see if I can find something else that is close to that.  After that, I turned a good program on TV and proceeded to weave in the ends on retreat hidden wells.  This quilt is now totally complete….label has been stitched down as well:  

leaf motif on back

I took a break after that to send out an “ad” for my bread baking classes again.  People have been asking me about them, and so I have contacted all of Cooking Fingers to let them know I will be starting up classes again.

So...when I made the Mexican Chicken Soup on New Year’s Eve, I had 2-1/2 quarts left over.  Michael ate the “half” with cornbread for lunch one day this week, and 1 of the quarts (with some cornbread of course) went across the street to Anne & Bryce.  I had frozen the last quart to bring to Loree at quilting…but then forgot to take it.  With the snow on Saturday, it just seemed like a soup day, so we thawed that out and ate it.  I wasn’t really worried because….BECAUSEI am getting a black market shipment of barley from YANKEE-land!!!!!  I just couldn’t wait until February….I am so excited!!!  Janice is sending down a flat rate box STUFFED with barley and I will probably make Mexican Chicken Soup again before I see Loree next Thursday  :~).  Sandy D – if you want some of the barley, let me know….I will definitely have extra to share  :~).  

I went looking in my scrap fabric drawers and found a close-enough-looking cream/tan to put a small border on the snowball quilt:  

Pat came over in the afternoon to get help with some knitting, buy gray fabric, and talk extensively about the labyrinth quilt that she, BG and I hope to do.  I never did eat dinner, just headed upstairs at 8 PM to have popcorn and watch STAR WARS V – The Empire Strikes Back!

1 comment:

  1. Once again, I want to REACH into my screen and GRAB that coffee cake for myself !!!!


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