Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Cookie, Volunteer Christmas party, machine embroidery pillow, Elsie

Here’s a normal morning picture….Cookie sitting in the sun coming in the front door:   

Lots of times Elsie is with her.

Monday (11/21) was taken up with meetings…I had a Volunteer Meeting in the morning, and Machine Embroidery in the afternoon.  And so it begins….Volunteers no longer has a meeting in December….so in effect, today was our Christmas party.  There was lots of yummy food to share….

and a wonderful extra 30 minutes to meet and talk with lots of friends.  It was a little bittersweet for me as I am pretty sure I will not be attending meetings next year.  I have been a member of Volunteers since it started 9-1/2 years ago, and have been a board member for 8 of those years.  I feel it is time for me to take a break, and I also want to attend a different club meeting that occurs at exactly the same time...so I think next year (at least) will be my break!

 After that I gave Jan a call to see if she could meet me at the library.  I had a book I thought she would like, but I had reached the limit for my renewals.  She came up…I returned, she took out…and we headed to her house to talk and check out her new deck.  She just had it re-done and it is beautiful!  What a lovely place it is to sit out and watch the lake.  It was a little too cold for that today, so we headed back to the living room to talk for over an hour before it was time for me to head back to the Lake House for our machine embroidery meeting.  As usual there was beautiful show and tell…..

this is just one small sample

so many ideas….so little time….~sigh~    When I got home I asked my honey if he had a relaxing day without me…..he said “actually, not so much”…he was busy as a bee!!!  Remember all of those containers I planted in our new back garden??  They are all cleaned out and ready for next spring.  PLUS, he used the electric hedge trimmers to get our topiary tree back in line and looking swirly!  He got our outside faucets covered and replaced our golf cart headlight!   He said “anything to avoid going over my lines”!  By the time we stopped talking and he took a shower it was time for dinner…there were 3 quarts of turkey/barley soup left over….one for us….one for Paula & Doug….and one for Anne & Bryce.  Michael left at 5:30 for rehearsal, and I headed downstairs to continue working on my sewing closet.  It has been out of control for far too long….I got about a quarter of it cleaned awhile ago, but it is time to tackle the rest.  Elsie was with me the entire evening…snuggled up tight against the cold in the basement:  

I got a lot done in my closet, and even managed to get 2 more bags done for Pat:   

before my honey came home.

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