Tuesday, June 14, 2016

log cabin blocks done

Michael left before 7 AM on Monday (6/13), trying to beat the heat while golfing.  I ran a few errands in the morning…dropping off the baby yarn and some wine bottle corks before settling into the studio.  First up was getting the new quilt off of the frame and trimmed and the bobbin ends woven in.  Then I dropped back to doing another set of log cabin blocks:   

I ran out of light purple and had to find a bit of leftover in my scraps

 It is amazing to me how long it takes to get 16 blocks done, but by the time I went to bed they were finally all done and the quilt is ready to be sewn together (a boring and LONG task!):  

 When Michael got home he said the heat had really been brutal and he started to fade on the last couple of holes.  He took a quick nap, then got cleaned up to head out to the FMCP board meeting while I (as mentioned above) continued to work on the blocks until after he got home.  I was finally done by 10 PM and we both read our books a bit before bed.

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