spent Saturday (2/22) morning golfing (when he came home, he said it was just a slog through the mud...we had another huge rainstorm Friday morning), while I got to sew on my tumbling blocks
and watch more Olympics. I did put
together bread dough first thing before heading to the studio since we had NONE
in the house. And just as an aside….it
is really weird to walk into the kitchen and have no table and chairs!!! I use my SILPAT whenever I am making dough. After I’m done, I wipe it off and drape it over
a chair to dry completely before I put it away..…WHAT??? no
chair L.
When I’m in the studio, it is always colder than the upstairs…so again…I
come upstairs to shape the dough into loaves…I take off my jacket because now I’m
hot and try to hang it on a chair…..you guessed it…still no chair. I am relating it to the times the electricity
goes out during a winter’s day. I’m
sitting there reading a book and I think ‘WOW – I would love some hot chocolate’
so I get up and head to the kitchen…brain wakes up…oh yeah….no electricity…..read
some more…begin to think ‘I would really like to get some sewing in today’
stand up, walk over to top of stairs…brain wakes up again ‘no electricity’. I don’t understand how my brain keeps phasing
out like that…..NEVER MIND…..don’t all shout at once….I already KNOW I’m
getting old J.
know…I was thinking about something while I was sewing, and I think my friend
Mary Jo has to get some credit for these tumbling blocks. I had been quilting for awhile, making quilts
with ‘modern’ colors & fabrics, but still doing traditional blocks. Mary Jo was the first one to do a ‘strips and
curves quilt’…and she kept telling me if she could do it, I could do it. At that time, Mary Jo did not consider
herself an advanced quilter. But if she was
not (and I think that’s a big if) she more than made up for it with her
artistic sense. Because of her
encouraging me on the strips and curves, I have made several and they are hanging
in my living room. And that was just the
beginning….I’ve really gotten into more modern quilt patterns and I LOVE
them. So…if you really like my tumbling
blocks…Mary Jo definitely deserves some of the credit J.
bread was baking around 1:30 when Paula stopped down to borrow my strap turning
tool…so I asked her if she wanted to chat for 15 minutes and by then the bread
was done and she took home 1/2 a loaf:
She told me she has become more anal and it’s all my fault! She was making meatballs the other day, and
got out her scale to weigh them to make sure each one weighed the same….I was
laughing while she was telling me this story J.
sewed on and off through the afternoon (mostly with company):
for a shower and to set my hair (I know this is silly, but I think my hair
turned out particularly well and asked Michael to take a picture….why does it
always look better in the back than in the front?):
We ate
dinner (leftovers for me) and I made pot stickers for Michael, but I still
managed to have this by the time we left at 6:30:
headed to Ballentyne and hopped in Lisa & Dean’s car to go into Charlotte
for BROADWAY ROCKS, the symphony pops concert at the Knight Theatre. OMgoodness…it was a fabulous concert…maybe my
favorite of this entire season…..they sang/played so many good songs from
Phantom, Hair, Wicked and more. When we
left the theatre, Dean suggested we stop for a little dessert and let the crowd
get out of the garage. No only was the
dessert fabulous (tiramisu and banana cream pie) but the orchestra, soloists
and conductor all came to the restaurant for a nosh….so we got a chance to tell
them how great the performnace was. We
were finally home at 11:45 and of course, we had to wait for the electric
blanket to heat up…so we finally crawled into bed at 1:15 AM…..WAY too old for
this J.
I'll leave you with this final image......
thanks Mary Jo!!! |