left for golf on Monday (12/16) and I left for my Volunteer meeting. This is the last meeting I will be writing up
the minutes for…next year I will be co-president. That means this month I have to spend a bit
of time posting everything out on our homepage (minutes, guidelines for the
drives, etc). I made a quick stop at the
library and grocery store after the meeting, finally getting home around
1. I completed 2 runs of minty crisps:
oreos...... |
plus rice krispies..... |
plus minty chocolate equals YUM! |
when Michael got home from golf, we spent several hours driving around in our
golf cart, handing out some of our gifts, and getting to talk with our friends. We had leftover pizza for dinner and watched
TV and knit for the rest of the evening.
When we went to bed, we found out Elsie’s new favorite place to
sleep. Michael got a pull in his blue
sweater last time he wore it, and it has been living on my bureau ever since to
be fixed. Apparently it is JUST the spot
for a nap:
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