Wednesday (10/5) was a FABULOUS day…..BG arrived at the Charlotte airport just before 11.

We did a ton of errands on the way home (knitting store, BB&B, Michael’s) and finally arrived home around 2. We made a quick trip to the grocery store, then got busy on dinner. Jan and Walt came over around 6 PM for burgers, homemade buns and quasi-pasta salad. Everyone ordered their burger ‘done-ness’ and Michael headed outside to cook them. Unfortunately, the burgers were only on the grill about 5 minutes when the gas ran out! Walt ran home to pick up their extra tank…and somehow Michael still figured out how to cook them perfectly….they were SO GOOD. I was eating and only had about 2 bites left, and I didn’t want to finish them because I didn’t want the taste to be over! Oh well…there’s always next week for more burgers! Jan brought some of her delicious cookies and we ate a bunch before they left. Michael settled in to watch TV while BG and I retired to the studio. I strung beads for another necklace (on a new yarn this time) while BG cut out fabric to make her Margo purse. She finally fell into bed (she’d been up since 3 AM to catch the plane) around 9:30.
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