Thursday, November 9, 2017

Mexican Chicken Soup, deer quilt top finished

I had Mexican chicken soup in the crockpot by 7:30 AM on Wednesday (11/8):  

With Michael leaving on the early side for rehearsal, we have to eat dinner earlier….so we’ve kind of been eating breakfast a little later, skipping lunch and having an early dinner.  I got my blog out and got showered and dressed before SKYPE-ing with Janice at 9 AM.  I had to have everything done because the minute we were done talking (around 10:15), I headed out the door for a routine doctor’s appointment.  I stopped at Harris Teeter on the way home to order some sandwiches for Thursday.  We have approximately 17 veterans coming for lunch and we are thrilled!!!  But, we were a bit worried about having enough food….so we voted and agreed to buy a sandwich platter to supplement what the rest of us are bringing.  I spent a good bit of time in the afternoon putting together a penne casserole…basically you make a yummy sauce, then layer sauce, pasta, cheese, and do a second layer and you’re done!  

We had Mexican chicken soup for dinner and it was yummy, then Michael left at 5:30 for rehearsal for Scrooge, and I spent the rest of the evening in my studio.  By the time Michael got home, the deer quilt top was finished:  

And in keeping with the new habit I am trying to develop, I made binding to go with the quilt:

1 comment:

  1. I still can't get over how many times our group has made the "deer" pattern, and it looks different and wonderful each time.


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